DateMedia type (web, print, TV,…)Media nameContent of media outcomes (in Slovak language)Link/Archive location
3.12.2022print / webKarloveské noviny 12/2022-01/2023 str.11Article:  Other ornamental and utility shrubs have been added in the residential area Dlhe diely
3.12.2022print / webKarloveské noviny 12/2022-01/2023 str.12Article: New cameras oversee security
3.12.2022print / webKarloveské noviny 12/2022-01/2023 str.18Article: Restoration of the park on enters to the third stage
3.12.2022print / webKarloveské noviny 12/2022-01/2023 str.18Article:  Interactive map informs also about green roofs
29.11.2022radioRTVS / Rádio Slovensko Session KONTAKTY, 20:40 – Community Climate and Biodiversity Educational Centre (Bóoczová)
9.11.2022radioRTVS / Rádio Slovensko Interview: What are we doing for the climate?
3.11.2022print / webKarloveské noviny 11/2022 str.9Article: The largest primary school is undergoing a significant reconstruction
3.11.2022print / webKarloveské noviny 11/2022 str.9Article: Karlova Ves opens the Community Climate and Biodiversity Educational Centre
3.11.2022print / webKarloveské noviny 11/2022 str.9Article: Replacement planting of trees
29.10.2022webwww.abs.skArticle: Green renovation of the school in Bratislava taht inspires: Solar panels and rainwater flushingZelená obnova školy: Solárne panely aj splachovanie dažďovou vodou |
6.10.2022radioRTVS / Rádio Regina – ZápadGuest of Radio Regina – Zapad: Talking about Community Climate and Biodiversity Educational Centre
4.10.2022webhttps://bratislavskykraj.skArticle: Karlova Ves opened Community Climate and Biodiversity Educational Centre
3.10.2022webwww.bratislavskespravy.skArticle: Photos from Karlova Ves – Official profile of the city district
3.10.2022webhttps://tv.zoznam.skVideo: Community Climate and Biodiversity Educational Centre opened in Karlova Ves
3.10.2022webObecné noviny
Article: Community Climate and Biodiversity Educational Centre will be opened in Karlova Ves
1.10.2022webwww.teraz.skArticle: Bratislava: Community Climate and Biodiversity Educational Centre will be opened in Karlova Ves
10.9.2022web The kindergarten on Koliskova Street is unique in Bratislava
6.9.2022printStavebné noviny Article: Kindergarden Koliskova in Bratislava’s Karlova Ves has been transformed into an ecoloThe school in Bratislava’s Karlova Ves has been transformed into an ecological one thanks to the renovation 
6.9.2022webBratislava DeňArticle: Karlova Ves has an ecological kindergarten, the renovation has reduced its carbon footprint and energy consumption 
6.9.2022printdenník PravdaArticle: Green kindergarten has been saving 62 percent of energy since September 
6.9.2022webdenník PravdaArticle: Kindergarten with the highest energy costs has turned green. Now saves 62 percent of energy
5.9.2022webBratislavské novinyArticle: FOTO Solar panels, vegetation walls, ponds in the atrium: the kindergarten on Koliskova Street has been completely transformed into an ecological one
5.9.2022webObecné novinyArticle: The renovation of the kindergarten on Koliskova Street completely changed the environment
5.9.2022webteraz.skArticle: Kindergarten on Koliskova Street in Bratislava completely reconstructed the environment
5.9.2022webTASRArticle: Bratislava: The renovation of the kindergarten on Koliskova Street completely changed the environment
3.9.2022print / webKarloveské noviny 09/2022 str.8Article: Children returned to the renovated kindergarten on Kolískova Street
3.6.2022print / webKarloveské noviny 06/2022 str.8Article: Unique green and water elements have been added in the kindergarten on Koliskova Street
24.3.2022rádioRádio ReginaInterview about the renovatiom of the largest primary school in Karlova Ves (A. Dubcek Primary School)I:\projekt_LIFE-DELIVER\vystupy-LIFE-DELIVER\E1-communication\media\medialne-vystupy-rozne
12.3.2022web Green renovation of A. Dubcek Primary School enters the main phase
9.3.2022web Karlova Ves continues the green deep renovation of the A. Dubček Primary School
8.3.2022web Green deep renovation of Alexander Dubček Primary School in Karlova Ves enters the main phase
8.3.2022print / webBratislavský kuriér, str. 5Article: Green deep renovation of Alexander Dubček Primary School in Karlova Ves enters the main phase
8.3.2022webTlačová agentúra Slovenskej republiky (TASR)Article: Green deep renovation of Alexander Dubček Primary School in Karlova Ves enters the main phase
7.3.2022print / webKarloveské noviny 03/2022 str.17Article: Little green roofs added in the school area on Majerniková Street 
25.2.2022webhttps://klimavobcich.czArticle: Vegetation roof on the ennex of the Local Authority Office of the Bratislava–Karlova Ves
12.2.2022print / webKarloveské noviny 02/2022 str.19Article: Work began in A. Dubcek Primary School
16.1.2022TVRTVSChildren return to the “green” kindergarten
2.12.2021webTASR (Tlačová agentúra Slovenskej republiky)Statement: MoE: A good example of reducing the energy intensity of schools
12.12.2021print / webKarloveské noviny 12/2021,01/2022 str.7Article: Park in the residential area Dlhe diely will also use rainwater
12.7.2021print / webKarloveské noviny 07-08/2021 str.23Article: Shading sheets are added on other playgrounds
12.7.2021print / webKarloveské noviny 07-08/2021 str.21Article: Kindergarten Koliskova is undergoing a deep renovation
12.7.2021print / webKarloveské noviny 07-18/2021 str.10Article: Residents of the Kaskady complex will be an example to others
23.6.2021rádioSlovenský rozhlas
Rádio Regina Západ/Klub komunálnej politiky
Discussion: How to cool cities during heat waves
12.6.2021print / webKarloveské noviny 06/2021 str.14Article: Karlova Ves rated the energy intensity
and the state of renovation of apartment buildings
12.6.2021webwww.dnes24.skBratislava: Shading sheets will be added to other playgrounds in Karlova Ves
12.6.2021webwww.bratislavskenoviny.skShading sheets will be added to other playgrounds in Karlova Ves
12.6.2021webwww.teraz.skShading sheets will be added to other playgrounds in Karlova Ves
11.6.2021print / webPlus jeden deň; SLOVENSKO; s. 7; TASR,
Bratislava: Shading sheets will be added to other playgrounds in Karlova Ves
3.6.2021webwww.bratislavskenoviny.skA unique gazebo in Karlova Ves will motivate children to behave ecologically
3.6.2021webwww.dnes24.skA gazebo in Karlova Ves will motivate children to behave ecologically
3.6.2021webwww.teraz.skThe enviro-resort appreciated Karlova Ves’s activities with adaptation measures through the project DELIVER to urgently respond to climate change
12.5.2021print / webBratislavský KURIÉR, str. 1 a 9Urban planning and landscape architecture: Cities need to be prepared for the consequences of climate change.
26.4.2021rádioSlovenský rozhlas
Rádio Regina Západ
Reportage from the presentation of the Kaskady project: A model solution for precipitation waters in a public area (10:36; Janka Bleyova)
12.3.2021print / webKarloveské noviny 03/2021 str.19Aricle: Karlova Ves engages in activities to improve air quality
12.3.2021print / webKarloveské noviny 03/2021 str.18Article: Are you going to insulate? Take advantage of free advice
12.3.2021print / webKarloveské noviny 03/2021 str.16Article: Rain water will be used in Park Kaskady
12.12.2020print / webKarloveské noviny 12/2020, 01/2021 str.15Article: Is a catastrophic climate waiting us?
12.12.2020print / webKarloveské noviny 12/2020, 01/2021 str.13Article: Karlova Ves surveyed satisfaction with the quality of the environment
12.12.2020print / webKarloveské noviny 12/2020, 01/2021 str.8Article: Work begins on the green deep renovation of Kindergarten Koliskova
12.12.2020print / webKarloveské noviny 12/2020, 01/2021 str.8Article: Karlova Ves is successful! It received €1.4 million from Norwegian grants to fight climate change
7.12.2020webwww.webnoviny.skArticle based on a press release: Non-standard reconstruction of kindergarten, building awaits radical reduction in energy intensity
7.12.2020webwww.24hod.skArticle based on a press release: Non-standard reconstruction of kindergarten, building awaits radical reduction in energy intensity
7.12.2020webwww.bratislavskenoviny.skArticle based on a press release: Kindergarten in Karlova Ves awaits in-depth reconstruction
7.12.2020webwww.teraz.skArticle based on a press release: Kindergarten in Karlova Ves awaits in-depth reconstruction
3.12.2020TV within the reportage It happened in Bratislava: On the support of deep renovation of Kindergarten Koliskova and A. Dubček Primary School within the framework of the implementation of the Climate Action PlanReportáž Stalo sa v Bratislave, Metro dnes; 18:00; R / Renata Brimich Špačková
(01: 50 min
(02:22 min)
2.11.2020print/webARCH 11/2020 str. 56-59Article: Excursion, Close to zero
24.11.2020webEUROACTIVOnline discussion EUROACTIV Next (Green) Generation EU: Green restart of Slovakia 2020, Panel IV, Role of municipalities
29.10.2020webwebstranka SK GBCOnline press conference combined with an expert discussion on the topic of The role of buildings in the fight against climate change with the participation of the Minister of the Environment of the Slovak Republic; Zuzana Hudeková presented the outputs of
12.10.2020print / webKarloveské noviny 10/2020, str.16Residential area Dlhy diely are rich in various types of plants and animals
9.10.2020webEEA Report No 12/2020:
Urban adaptation in Europe: how cities and towns respond to climate change (str.143)
Integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in Bratislava-Karlova Ves municipality, Slovakia
1.10.2020print / webčasopis Urbanita, str. 12-15Article: What’s next for rainwater in Slovakia?
1.10.2020print / webčasopis Urbanita, str. 16 – 17Article: Precipitation and runoff model- Karlova Ves
14.9.2020rozhlasRadio FMShow Živé mesto (Live City) dedicated to water in the country and city: About the project LIFE DELIVER (at 1st minute and 44th second of the two-hour broadcast)
12.9.2020print / webKarloveské noviny 9/2020, str.14Article: Municipal councillors of Karlova Ves approved Climate action plan
12.9.2020print / webKarloveské noviny 9/2020, str.14Article: Transport is the main source of CO2 emissions
12.7.2020print / webKarloveské noviny 07-08/2020, str.22Article: Karlova Ves plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
12.7.2020print / webKarloveské noviny 07-08/2020, str.21Article: Karlova Ves continues in the nature based maintenance of greenery
10.7.2020webenviroportál MŽP SRArticle on the approval of Climate Action Plan in Karlova Ves:
Bratislava: Karlova Ves plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
9.7.2020webTASRArticle on the approval of Climate Action Plan in Karlova Ves:
Celkové emisie skleníkových plynov, za ktoré zodpovedá Karlova Ves, dosiahli v roku 2018 takmer 140.000 ton ekvivalentov CO2.
9.7.2020webwww.bratislavskenoviny.skArticle on the approval of Climate Action Plan in Karlova Ves:
Karlova Ves plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
23.6.2020webwebstranka Unie miest SRPublished presentation of the EUCF event (presentation of adaptation measures and the KLIMASKEN online tool)
2.12.2019print / webKarloveské noviny 12/2019-01/2020 str.19Article: Conference on the quality of housing in cities
2.12.2019print / webKarloveské noviny 12/2019-01/2020, str.8Article: The renovation of Alexander Dubcek Primary School is being prepared
2.12.2019print / webKarloveské noviny 12/2019-01/2020, str.7Article:The sports and recreational area on Majerníkova Street will be greener
13.11.2019rozhlasRádio Regina  
1.11.2019print/web4 ELEMENTY zdravého bytového domuGreen roofs, walls, vegetation facades. The importance of creating vegetation roofs
15.10.2019webwww.webnoviny.skArticle: In Karlova Ves, they will adapt the reconstruction of the nursery to climate change, they will also use solar panels
 02.10.2019printEUROSTAV 10/2019Sustainable architecture
Criteria for the creation of public spaces
Part 1
 02.10.2019print / webKarloveské noviny 10/2019, str.7Article: We know the future form of Kindergarten Koliskova
 02.10.2019print / webKarloveské noviny 10/2019, str. 17Article: Residents of Karlova Ves have created an interactive feeling map
 17.09.2019webwww.karlovaves.skNews: We choose climate change mitigation measures together – the public and experts
 02.09.2019print / webKarloveské noviny 09/2019, str.14Article: We choose climate change mitigation measures together – the public and experts
 02.09.2019print / webKarloveské noviny 09/2019, str.12Article: Residents commented on the preparation of the revitalization of the square Jurigovo Namestie
26.8.2019print/webTrendRinterview with Zuzana Hudekova: Landscape architect: It will be here like in Macedonia. It has already warmed up by two degrees
 14.08.2019webwww.karlovaves.skNews: Residents commented on the preparation of the revitalization of the square Jurigovo Namestie
2.8.2019print / webKarloveské noviny 08/2019, str.5Page no.5: People express their ideas about the future of the square Jurigovo Namestie

TVTV BratislavaDiscussion in the show Beseda o piatej (Discussion at five o’clock): Zuzana Hudekova with Andrej Kovarik and Elena Pätoprsta
27.6.2019rádioSro, publicistická relácia KontaktyInterview with Zuzana Hudekova: Support to cities and towns to mitigate the impacts of climate change
2.6.2019print / webKarloveské noviny 06/2019, str.13Intertview: Decision on the square Jurigovo Namestie
22.5.2019radioSlovenský rozhlasL.Nemcova: Pilot project for modelling of precipitation run-offs
14.5.2019print/webLa LiberationInterview with Zuzana Hudekova
7.5.2019webwww.bratislava.dnes24.skArticle: Does the square Jurigovo Namestie have a more beautiful future? Residents can have their say on its future design
3.5.2019printDenník NInterview with Zuzana Hudekova: About climate change, information about the activities of the project.
2.5.2019print / webKarloveské noviny 05/2019, str.3Article: Come to the first public meeting about the square Jurigovo namestie
2.4.2019print / webKarloveské noviny 04/2019, str.3Article: Have your say on the future shape of Juriga Square
2.4.2019print / webKarloveské noviny 04/2019, str.13Article: Pupils of the Primary School of A. Dubček planned the appearance of the sports complex of their school
2.4.2019print / webKarloveské noviny 04/2019, str.14Article: Torrential rains are a growing threat
2.4.2019print / webKarloveské noviny 04/2019, str.15Article: New for Karlova Ves – feeling interactive map
14.2.2019rozhlashttps://reginazapad.rtvs.skInformation on project activities: measurement of the indoor environment in primary and Kindergarten classes
7.2.2019webhttps://bratislava.dnes24.skInformation on project activities: measures to reduce summer heat in public spaces
7.2.2019webhttps://www.cas.skInformation on project activities: measures to reduce summer heat in public spaces
6.2.2019webhttp://www.teraz.skInformation on project activities: measures to reduce summer heat in public spaces
2.2.2019print / webKarloveské noviny 02/2019. str.12Article: Residents of tthe residential area DLhe diely feel the effects of climate change
18.1.2019rozhlashttps://reginazapad.rtvs.skGuets of Radio Regina, DEveloping resilient, low-carbon and more LIVablE urban Residential area
2.1.2019print / webKarloveské noviny Dec/2018-01/2019. str.10Article: Karlova Ves will check the quality of the indoor environment in classrooms
30.12.2018TVhttps://www.rtvs.skReportage on the planned renovation of the A. Dubcek Primary School building (00.27.16: Karlova VEs will renovate in a new way)
17.12.2018webwww.hlavne.skInformation on CO2 measurement in classrooms
12.10.2018webwww.zurnal.pravda.skReportage from the kick-off conference of the DELIVER project: Houses will become trees and cities forests
28.9.2018rozhlaswww.rtvs.skInterview: Cities and towns need to prepare for climate change (Andrej Steiner from the Carpathian Development Institute)
25.9.2018print / webKarlova Ves – noviny všetkých Karlovešťanov č.10, str.21,22Informatio about the questionnaire survey: Resideential area Dlhe diely and climate change
25.9.2018webwww.karlovaves.skDotazníkový prieskum: Sídlisko Dlhé diely a zmena klímy about the project
21.9.2018webwww.vedanadosah.cvtisr.skInformation about the kick-off conference of the DELIVER project
13.9.2018webwww.karlovaves.skInformation about the kick-off conference of the DELIVER project
13.9.2018webwww.citylife.skInformation about the kick-off conference of the DELIVER project
13.9.2018webwww.eviroportal.skInformation about the kick-off conference of the DELIVER project
12.9.2018webhttp://www.netky.skInformácia o konaní otváracej konferencie DELIVER
12.9.2018webwww.tasr.skInformation about the kick-off conference of the DELIVER project
12.9.2018webhttps://eltechnic.euInformation about the project
11.9.2018webwww.ulib.skInformation about the kick-off conference of the DELIVER project
11.9.2018webwww.uniamiest.skInformation about the kick-off conference of the DELIVER project
11.9.2018webwww.iepd.skInvitation to the kick-off conference of the DELIVER project
4.9.2018web /printwww.dennikn.skInformation about the project, interview with Z. Hudekova
31.8.2018print / webKarlova Ves – noviny všetkých Karlovešťanov č.9, str. 193 articles: Why some grasslands are not mowed, We will plant 500 pieces of trees as part of the DELIVER project, Conference on Climate Change
29.8.2018printBratislavské noviny 17/2018BROZ article Why the rains bypass us – information about the project
30.7.2018webhttps://www.archinfo.skInformation – invitation to kick off conference
21.7.2018web /printhttps://www.tyzden.skInformation about the project, interview with Z. Hudekova
4.7.2018print/webwww.bratislavskenoviny.skArticle: Revolutionary city district
30.6.2018print / webKarlova Ves – noviny všetkých Karlovešťanov č.7-8, str.8Article: Karlova Ves launches a major European project to mitigate the effects of climate change
26.6.2018tvhttp://www.tvba.skProject information: Karlova Ves increases the resilience of its residential areas
20.6.2018webhttps://bratislava.dnes24.skProject start-up information:  Nearly zero-energy buildings?  Karlova Ves launches an interesting project
20.6.2018webhttps://bratislava.sme.skProject start-up information: Zero-energy buildings. Karlova Ves launches European project
19.6.2018fbook page of the project
19.6.2018webwww.kri.skInformation about the project
19.6.2018webwww.iepd.skBasic information about the project
19.6.2018webwww.karlovaves.skPress release: Karlova Ves launches European climate mitigation project
19.6.2018print/webwww.bratislavskenoviny.skProject launch information: Karlova Ves launches European climate mitigation project
19.6.2018webhttps://bratislavaden.skProject launch information: Karlova Ves launches European climate mitigation project
19.6.2018webwww.teraz.skProject launch information: Karlova Ves launches European climate mitigation project
19.6.2018webwww.dnesky.skProject launch information: Karlova Ves launches European climate mitigation project
19.6.2018webwww.monitorujem.skProject launch information: Karlova Ves launches European climate mitigation project