Assessment of climate resilience, CO2 emissions reduction and effectiveness of adaptation measures
Action plan
Elaboration of a strategy document on mitigation and adaptation to climate change
In-depth refurbishment of buildings and reconstruction of public spaces including nature-based solutions and biodiversity promotion
Raising awareness and engagement of local communities
Strategies, standards, methodologies and supporting policies
Assessment of climate resilience, CO2 emissions reduction and effectiveness of individual measures
Do you know how climate resilient your building, district or city is nowadays? How are these ready for impacts of climate change? There is currently no a simple tool to measure climate resilience at different levels and different scales. There is also missing a tool to measure the effect of the proposed adaptation and mitigation measures and that leads to uncertainty in decision-making and in the preparation of projects.
What we have planned
An online tool for monitoring, evaluation, management and presentation of information on adaptation and mitigation activities in the urban environment is being developed and tested within the DELIVER project. This tool for assessment of climate resilience and carbon footprint should be helpful in the decision-making on appropriate adaptation and mitigate measures.
This online tool named Climate Resilient Low Carbon Factor (abbreviated CReLoCaF) will include all areas of adaptation (vulnerability – exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity, resilience, adaptation measures) as well as mitigation (emission balance, modelling and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions). Based on the selected indicators, the tool will allow a comprehensive assessment of the resilience to climate change at local level. The tool will simplify the work in both adaptation and mitigation areas.
Solution process:
- Analysis and review of existing assessment tools, indicators and evaluation systems.
- Elaboration of quantitative and qualitative tool, including indicators for evaluation of adaptation processes and indicators for the effectiveness of adaptation measures.
Monitoring indicators will enable to quantify and evaluate the effect of specific adaptation measures in the city (e.g. cooling of the building due to the green shading or the effect of the green roof on rainwater management and water regime). The area of mitigation will consist of the greenhouse gases emissions balance calculation and will be complemented by the possibility of subsequent modelling of their evolution based on the greenhouse gases emission audits carried out. On the basis of the emission balances entered in each area, the tool will allow the use of different model measures and planning scenarios.
- Development of a user-friendly application to easily assess the state of the climate change resilience.
The tool will allow data input and management, presentation of indicators through tables, graphs and maps, planning and modelling of emissions development trends as well as adaptation measures implementation and benchmarking of the cities involved. Part of the tool will be a map module that will display the location and, if possible, cartograms of selected phenomena. Tool language: Slovak, Czech, English.
- Testing and replication of the tool
The online tool for monitoring, evaluation, management and presentation of information on adaptation and mitigation activities (Climate Resilient Low Carbon Factor – CReLoCaF) will be tested in Bratislava-Karlova Ves, Koprivnice and in further six cities in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
What we have done so far
- We obtained climate labels for 2 public buildings in Karlova Ves building (Kindergarten Koliskova and Alexander Dubcek Primary Shchool) before their reconstruction
We have tested the KLIMASKEN online tool in the municipality Bratislava-Karlova Ves, in the cities Košice, Hlohovec, Prešov, Praha, Holice, Opava and the following buildings: panel house Leopoldova, CI2 headquarters , family houses in cities Beroun, Ondřejov and a family´s low-energy house.
The Klimasken online tool is functional, fine-tuned by testing in cooperation with selected Slovak and Czech cities and building testing.
- We have concluded a memorandum of cooperation with 6 cities for testing the Klimasken online tool: in Slovakia with the cities of Hlohovec, Prešov and Košice, in the Czech Republic with the cities of Prague, Holice and Třebíč.
- Analytical evaluation and revision of existing tools, indicators and assessment systems for climate change mitigation and urban resilience
- Introduction to the topic and glossary of terms