
Activity F1: Developing resilient, low-carbon and more LIVablE urban Residential area – DELIVER: TECHNICAL FINAL REPORT

Activity F2: Developing resilient, low-carbon and more LIVablE urban Residential area – DELIVER: LAYMAN´S REPORT

Activity E1: brochure – Climate-resilient development: innovative climate solutions and measures towards the carbon resilience in public spaces and buildings

Activity E2: leaflet – How to support the biodiversity in the residential areas

Activity C7: leaflet – Guide to the educational trail in a sports-recreation area of ZŠ A.Dubčeka

Activity C4: Deep renovation is smart solution for apartment buildings

Activity C1: Study: Results of testing cities with the KLIMASKEN tool – summary

Activity C2: Catalogue of selected adaptation and mitigation measures 

Activity D1: Monitoring of pollinators in Karlova Ves – final report for the year 2020 – English summary page 11  

Activity D2: Second Monitoring Report:Residential area Dlhe diely and climate change – what has changed after two years Summary in English  

Activity C4: Quantification of energy potential savings for the residential housing stock in Bratislava Karlova Ves Municipality

Activity C4: Architectural studies for two prefabricated residential buildings – refurbished and no-refurbished

Activity D2: First monitoring report (in Slovak): Satisfaction of inhabitants with living in the residential area Dlhe diely, English Summary

Activity C1: Desk study (in Czech): An overview of approaches to assessing climate change mitigation and resilience of the urban environmen – English Summary.

Activity C4: Report (in Slovak): Proposal for refurbishment of residential buildings and quantification of energy potential savings for the residential housing stock in Bratislava-Karlova Ves Municipality, English Summary

In Slovak, Czech or English language:

SK: Medzinárodná konferencia EUSDR: Adaptácia na nepriaznivé dôsledky zmeny klímy v Bratislave MČ Karlova Ves

EN: 3rd Virtual ADAPTto CLIMATE Conference: Urban Adaptation and Mitigation evaluation, tools, Action Plan and measures

SK: Consulting in the field of renovation of residential buildings in Bratislava-Karlova Ves – 6. Finančné poradenstvo v rámci zabezpečenia realizácie obnovy

SK: Consulting in the field of renovation of residential buildings in Bratislava-Karlova Ves – 5. Budovanie vegetačných striech, vegetačných stien, zeleň v spoločných priestoroch

SK: Consulting in the field of renovation of residential buildings in Bratislava-Karlova Ves – 4. Hospodárenie so zrážkovou vodou

SK: Consulting in the field of renovation of residential buildings in Bratislava-Karlova Ves – 3. Ochrana biodiverzity

SK: Consulting in the field of renovation of residential buildings in Bratislava-Karlova Ves – 2. Stavebné úpravy pri obnove budov a projektová dokumentácia a s ňou súvisiace procesy

SK: Consulting in the field of renovation of residential buildings in Bratislava-Karlova Ves – 1. Zvyšovanie energetickej hospodárnosti pri obnove budov 

SK: Consulting in the field of renovation of residential buildings in Bratislava-Karlova Ves – Úvodná prezentácia


SK: Smart City 2019 – Digitál je šanca aj pre slovenská mestá

EN: LIFE Programme – EU funding for climate adaptation and mitigation: What went well and the barriers

SK: Dôsledky zmeny klímy vo vzťahu k sídelnému prostrediu

SK: Sídliská ako živé organizmy: špecifiká panelových sídlisk z perspektívy sociálnej antropológie

SK: Koncepcia mestského rozvoja SR do roku 2030 a podporné nástroje na obnovu bytových panelových domov

SK: Praktické skúsenosti a výsledky financovania obnovy bytového fondu s dôrazom na úsporu energií a zvýšenie bezpečnosti budov aj kvality obytného prostredia vrátane revitalizácie zanedbaných území v sídlach SR

SK: Predstavenie metodologického rámca hodnotenia zraniteľnosti na dopady zmeny klímy – skúsenosti s aplikáciou na Slovensku

CZ: Zkušenosti se stanovením emisí skleníkových plynů a s hodnocením uhlíkové stopy na městské úrovni v prostředí ČR

EN: The use of European Land Monitoring data, methods and indicators and the example of Urban atlas for local assessments

SK: Predstavenie aktivít projektu DELIVER: Sídliská ako živé miesta odolné voči zmene klímy

EN: Nature-based solutions for urban resilience

CZ: Pasívní budovy: Otevřená zahrada monitoring a zkušenosti z provozu